Today is another of boredom... for previous days too... everyday at home.. doing nth but use com, play games, mug, watch tv... i noe many of u all wan dis kind of life...except the mugging part... but trust me... when u have too much of dis life, u get sick of it.. totally sick of it. I wan to go back to sch !! frens... choir... class... and everybody else... i don noe why but it has onli been about 1 week and i already cannot stand it... everyday at home by myself and nobody to talk to... it has been terrible man... no good food to eat also hahax. i have been eating porridge with fish and fishball everyday and nth else... can die man... cos i am not allowed to eat soy sauce... bean stuff... like tau pok... and many other stuff lah...
I rather be stressed in sch.. do homework.. write letters to angel and mortal... den to continue with dis kind of life... and so sorri to everyone reading my blog.. since i have been staying at home, i have not been able to update wad my life is about.. cos it is the same everyday... nvm... when sch starts.. i am sure i have got many things to blog about !! missing lessons like crazy... missing prac like crazy... everything making me crazy... haiz... u all better pray hard man ! don get chicken pox !! and to those who are scared... someone(hint hint) :) hahax... if u are destined to get it u will... if not u will never get it. Give u an example, there are so many ppl out there who wan make themselves fall sick in order to slack and not go to work... but in the end no matter how hard they try... some just cant get themselves sick... still have to go to work after all the trouble... hahax so for those who are scared of falling sick or watsoever... don worry !!
now is like midday.. and i have been telling myself to study since i gotten the darn pox.. but to no avail... no matter how much i try to read it... i just cannot understand... maybe becos my head is killing me... pox on my head... so itchy and painful... cannot focus... ok lah... i have decided to go and try again... STUDY !! or else when i come back, i will be so screwed.. Jiayou everyone !! CHIONG AH !!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Another Day Of Boredom... Haiz...
let me
1:46 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
my first post... haha
Ok dis is the first time i am blogging in my entire life. So sad right ?? Nvm lah... it is ok one... anyways now i am at home stoning everyday... don noe wad to do also... and haiz... i don noe how to get a tagboard also... so noob right? U all have to understand tat i am a total computer noob... don noe anything one.. onli the basic stuff hahax...
Oh ya back to my stoning at home... Wondering why i can stay at home and not go to school? All thanks to the irritating CHICKEN POX !! i swear i will never get it again man... or else... i think i will... i will... aiyah don noe lah... It is like so itchy and painful, cannot eat a lot of stuff also... like chicken, black soy sauce and blah blah.. a lot lah..
And one more thing... another unlucky thing... i kena the msn virus !! so now cannot go msn... cos i don noe how to eliminate it... cannot chat.. will die one leh... i still got 2 more weeks of such life... don noe whether can tahan or not.. hope so !! And btw regarding the angel and mortal going on... i am so sorri my angel and mortal... i did not wan dis to happen... but i promise when i come back i will make it up to u all hahax... Ok lah.. quite long for my first post liao... my palm also super pain cos got pox on my palm also... Jiayou everybody !!
let me
7:09 PM