Today was an ok day... we had prac in the morning ad i reached sch at 7 !! i think i am crazy man... den slpt like a log in the choir rm till 8.10 and i was supposed to have sectionals at 8 haha. actual prac onli started at 9 and ended about 11 sth close to 12... yup so we had a rushed lunch again(as usual)... lol
After that was prac with mr kwei, all was ok lah.. not too bad... but i think we nid to rmb wadever details that he has already interpreted for us lor.. cannot forget.. or else it will all be meaningless... yup. And after prac, the yr ones went to ice cream chef at siglap to have nice ice cream of cos... but sad to say after that they all had to go home.. onli left me and js... laming around at j8. we watched the movie ah long sth lah.. super lame !! but it is nice for ppl who like lame things haha :)
Yup and as i have said, this will be a short post... so i shall post again when i have time !!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
HAHA... this is a short post...
let me
11:32 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I am sure many of u in dis world have been betrayed before... by anybody... be it enemies or frens... but i am certain it is definitely worse if it was ur fren... the feeling is nvr gd and i am sure of it... friends are supposed to be truthful to each other and not make any empty promises. Anything that has been promised must not be made known to anybody or else it is NOT a PROMISE anymore !! I am sure all of u agree with me.. if not nvm... but that is wad i truthfully think...
Betrayal is sth that i totally cannot tolerate.. as the trust that has been instilled into someone did not come easy... u will not tell anyone ur secrets unless u noe that person for quite some time and know his or her personality well enuf to trust him or her... and when betrayal happens, it feels as if the sky is falling down on u and that is no one u can trust. There is no one that u can confide into when u have problems and no one to listen to ur woes... because that is always this word 'betrayal' that lingers in ur mind before u say anything to anybody... once bitten twice shy... and in this case it is ONCE HURT, ETERNALLY HURT.. and nvr to climb out of this darkness ever again... unless there is dis person, who is truthful enuf and willing to help u out of tat another dimension, u will remain in ur nightmares and nvr wake up from it. I am serious, the effects of betrayal is definitely not as insignificant as wad most ppl think... it can be serious to the extent that ppl go crazy and might even wan to end their meaningless lives, it is surely not just emo-ing that simple.
So everyone out there, be careful of wad u say to others and don trust ppl so easily as things might turn out the way u do not wan it to be... BE VIGILANT... HAPPY TOTAL DEFENCE WEEK !!
let me
8:06 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Day B4 i Return to Sch...
Ok i am like so excited to go to school tomorrow! But come to think of it, i am not also... cos if i go back, i will have loads of homework to catch up on and guess wad? i have a lecture test tomorrow too !! And it is on a topic which i have totally missed out on... so i don noe how much i will fail by haha :)hopefully not too much... or else i think i will give a bad first impression to my bio tutor(Mr Leslie Toh)... i think he will like' this student ah, no initiative one.. got chicken pox big izzit? can study at home urself wad, so he have totally no excuse to not do well for dis test, bad boy...' haha no lah lol... i am laming around.. i don think that he is tat type who will say dis kind of things... he is seriously a refined person .
But when i go back to sch, it will be like so fun !(other than the sch work part lah) cos i will meet all my friends again ! every single one of them ! Choir practice will resume for me and i shall learn the many songs that i have missed asap... or else i am so dead.. cos sch work and songs... sch work and songs.. sch work and songs(x infinity) haiz... so much... but i believe i can do it IF i try hard enuf haha... ok lah i will try hard or i will fail my mid yrs... sure thing...
And yup yesterday was like the most fun day i have ever had for the past two weeks !! (duh) cos i went out with the yr ones !! haha... it was super random... suddenly kah sheng( ah beng) asked me whether i can go out on fri and i said yes, den i asked him go where? he said go his house bai nian.. hahax damn random man.. ok so next day we met at j8 at 1pm, proceeded to his house after tat... his house is big lors ! compared to my house lah... but compared to others it may be small to u all... oh ya i 4got to mention, those who went were me, ivor, jia sheng(of cos !), may, philip, steven, wanping and victor... and i put those names in alphabetical order hor... so don say wad rank who first and all tat hehe. Den at around 4 plus 5, we decided to go to wen siu's house!! at pasir ris.... a bit far lah but nvm.. we met like her frens from AHS and b4 we left, the whole grp even sang some songs ! haha and everyone wanted to play mahjong but ended up watching some funny show on channel u at 7.30. So becos we cannot play mahjong and some of the people have 'itchy hands' and cannot wait to ' dry swim' whichs means playing mahjong... so we went to ivor's house( also at pasir ris ) at 9pm. haha. The main purpose was to play mahjong lol. But guess wad? i don noe how to play mahjong so i just watched may, ivor , victor and kah sheng play( the rest left already)... don noe wad 'hu' and 'peng' and 'shi san yao'.. aiyah so confusing... when they still did not bear to leave the mahjong table, we all had to leave at around 10.30 cos kah sheng parents came to fetch us home !! so nice right? haha thx jia sheng ! but lol i went to victor's house to stay over after tat cos i nidda go to the temple the next day(which is today) and he lives in eunos.. so it was super convenient cos tat temple was in paya lebar... ya so just now b4 i was typing right now.. i was happily slping... cos last night i slept at 5 it think? victor also haha...
Ok lah i think i not bad leh ! actually can produce such a long post ! Aiyah mainly becos i am able to go out already and so i will have things to blog about !! So ya cannot wait to go to sch tomorrow! See ya everyone ! :)
let me
6:59 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Everything is getting better...
Ok this is like my third post for my new blog. Onli 3 posts... hahax... so lame right? Nvm lah.. anyways now i feel like blogging lor.. don noe why lah... just feel like it.. although i have nth to blog about. Everyday at home stoning... doing nth but play play.. mug mug... watch tv watch tv.. and nth else... I wanna realli go out to have fun or even just breathe some fresh air tat is definitely not from my house. I am quite sure tat after i return to sch... i will not eat home- cooked food for some time man... so sick of it liao.. and i will not return home so early also.. cos i am cooped up at home for so long liao, so i am not gonna stay at home for so long again. i hope lah... unless i am like so suay as reuben(sorry but i have to mention u cos i don noe anyone who has gotten chicken pox twice), or else i will nvr ever nidda be quarantined at home again.. YAY !!
But i suddenly rmbed one veri sian thing... as u all noe.. choir bbq is on 15th feb... yes i can go but i don think i can eat anything there.. cos i have to watch my diet for 40 days... raarrr !! 40 days can die leh.. but i sure will turn up for the bbq lah cos i already missed my class jts(junior treat senior)so now my angel and mortal still have not exchanged gifts with me yet... but i also don have the chance to buy anything for u all... at home how to buy... but i promise i will get them asap.. hahax:) Ok lah... i guess i realli got nth to post about liao... and i don realli have any picts to share.. unless u all wanna see picts of me having chicken pox and all tat.. gross man.. i would not wanna show my ugly face which is already ugly enough... hahax ok so await my next post !! ( i also dunno when) lol
let me
8:50 PM