i am not sure why but i have been having unlucky encounters this weekend... totally scary... and thats all i am gonna say cos it is sth that i nvr would wanna bring up again... see ya...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
2 more weeks......
i seriously think that it is time that we shud buck up... we shud have done tat long ago but no one is doing it... i strongly believe tat we all are mature enuf to noe when to do the right thing and when not to... when i was in sec sch , everything was much harder as teenagers nowadays are getting more pampered and they cannot take hardship anymore... and now of cos when i have come into jc, i certainly expect a standard tat will not fail me in terms of my expectations. it is mainly because we all are already half-adults and we shud noe wad is best for us... and last minute work will nvr work.
fellow vj family members, i realli hope tat we can all show the audience wad we are made of on 12th May 2008 as tat is the moment which we have all been waiting for, to show wad a 4th choir in the world is all about... our potential is flowing in our blood but it has not been triggered yet... if we are not going to do our best, wad is the point of us practising so hard for SOV?? so much time has been set aside for practices and if we are going to just give average standard, i rather tat we don even have so many practices as tat is no point in doing tat ultimately... think about it... so much time is used up for the preparation, at the end of the day, we would wan it to turn out to be fruitful time tat was spent rather than just wasting our lives away. COME ON !! WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER !! ROCK ON VJ CHOIR !
let me
12:27 AM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Happy :)
haha today was fun larhs... to the max... in the morning , i nearly missed the vj stop but lucky i woke up just in time and immediately pressed the bell... so heng rite :) and after tat i went straight to the choir room to slp... normally i thought tat there will be ppl there liao, but nope !! i was the first ! stunning man ! so i slpt and slpt all the way till 8 cos i got sectionals. if not i could have slpt longer but nvm i have gotten enough slp :) today prac was quite ok i thought, both in the morning and afternoon. And i totally enjoyed myself when i was singing Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine(even Victor said tat singing tat song was super duper addictive altho it was his time singing it)
And tat i went to Parkway Parade just to buy bubble tea, with the cool bunch of ppl !! ( sherwin, cherrybangs, victor, jiasheng, junliang) and i was trying to be 50 % SUK. i will be promoted if i were to be guailan and asked the bubbletea uncle if there is hot honey ice blended.. LOL !! but i decided not to in the end cos the uncle looked damn pissed after cherrybangs ordered some weird thing haha, btw she ordered ice blended oreo with STRAWBERRY , but it turned to be quite nice haha... taste like hello panda :) and Victor bought his fav drink... BANANA ICE BLEND WITH A BIT OF BLUEBERRY ... wth.. it totally tasted like antibiotics larhs, everyone said so
hahax. disgusting. den after tat me, kahsheng, sherwin and cherrybangs took 76 to AMK area there:) we had a gd chat on the bus haha. totally cool man:D after tat.... blah blah ... blah blah ... and i reached home !! lolz.. tats all... once again i am happy :) rare man...
let me
12:43 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
i totally understand why my life is so screwed... nothing worth at all... and i totally agree with someone tat why can't we just be stones and be emotionless??
let me
12:17 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
i realli don noe wad to do... just feeling hopeless and useless at times:( tats all
let me
11:40 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Being Overated... Totally...
Today we had the meet-the-parent session in sch and it is like a total waste of time... almost everyone was not listening to wad the principal was saying lah... either slping, smsing, or playing games on their phones... the most classic one, CTs talking to their students throughout the whole thing haha. i thought that was uber cool cos even teachers also feel sian. all dis is happening becos the content that the Mr Chan was talking about was not interesting at all(ok i should say it will onli interest our parents)... I rather that i went for practice and not waste my time there in the hot and stuffy hall rarrr... Ok talking about choir brings me to my next point...
Today prac in the morning was not very gd for the World Voice Day ppl cos we onli did a few warm ups due to time constraints. But at least we sorted out out actions:) Then came the afternoon prac... the afternoon sucked becos there was a super duper heavy rain... and we could not proceed to sscc until the rain has stopped. haiz... in the end we were a bit late, reached around 1.10 liddat. Then our practice was observed by the famous Mr Zechariah Goh and a professor from the US from the American Choral Directors' Association. Our prac was like ok onli lah, i feel... becos at times i noe tat mr kwei actually wanted to flare up liao but he could not due to the presence of others... our songs were not very good and we keep forgetting wadever that he has just told us moments ago... And during our prac the professor talked to us and told that we were wonderful and that he has not heard such a fantastic Asian choir of our age... cos i suppose in the US most of the choirs are adult choirs:) And ppl overheard his conversation with mr kwei that the professor wished tat if possible, he would wan to take our mr kwei's basses home to US... haha so farnie lah !! But again. i think that we are not tat gd and should not be praised so much as it is not the truth. One reason that the choir is not performing up to standard is becos we are getting too complacent and with further praise from others... it is bound to get worse and worse... yup so i guess that we nid to make sure that we noe exactly where we stand and not think tat we are actually veri gd... sounding well in the LT is actually supposed to be so cos the LT acqoustic is not bad one, except for LT AVA. Yup so i realli hope that choir can work hard together and please rmb wadever that mr kwei has said and not disappoint him again:)
let me
11:02 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
'first concert' with VJ choir...
yesterday was a great experience for me as it was the 'first 'time i am performing with the whole vj choir. i thought we did ok lah but certainly not impressive... but its ok, i am sure we can do much better for SOV and of cos our Wales trip !! Btw for those who don noe wad SOV is, it is Symphony of Voices, a annual concert by Vj choir at the Esplanade Concert Hall. This yr it will be once again held at the Esplanade Concert Hall at 7.30pm , 12 May 2008. Tickets are priced at $22, $32 and $42(inclusive of sistic charge). please support us !! thanks !! ur support is greatly appreciated :)
regarding today hehe nth much lah. just same old day. but we had live ad prac... damn fun man !! i had to be the spastic person once again... am i realli tat spastic like SUK?? haha no lah jkjk.. chairman of SUK club pls don be angry hehe... u noe who u are... for those who don noe, too bad haha :) ok lah i shall slp liao... later in the morning i got meet- the- parent session lolz... so sian lah, waste time.. and they call it meet -the -parent session when it's compulsory for students and not compulsory for parents... spastic ttm seriously... ok lah stay tuned to adventures of legendlegacy to know more !
let me
12:24 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Code Of The Day...
'STOP LOOKING AT YOUR SANDWICH !!' LOL... tats all i am going to say hehe
let me
11:22 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
suck to the max...
ok today is another bad day... sian to the max... i am supposed to do my PW PI... and guess wad?? My trial version of microsoft expired... so i cannot do it anymore... haiz.. ok tats all i gonna say man ... no mood to blog liao... :(
let me
12:53 PM
Today was like a bad day cos of practice. haiz... prac today was not veri gd, once again i dunno why:( the sound was so shallow, different compared to when we sang last time. complacency is starting to creep in i guess... but i hope it onli improves and not get worse. When i sang the songs today i nearly wanted to burst into madness, cos i realli don noe wad is going on. And i am afraid that wad i predict will come true.
But after that later in the day, i sang with the victoria chorale ppl outside the multi purpose hall of sscc. The feeling was great and i felt that the victorian spirit was flowing all around my body, never felt it anywhere before. And i had no stress at all singing with them, cos they are all so gd, makes me relaxed too. yup :)
And i went to the AHS concert after tat. Not too bad i thought. But it did not seem like a choir concert, more like a yan 3 chang 4 hui 4. hahaha. but it was seriously veri well planned and i totally thought tat it was super entertaining lah. Kudos to Mr Terrence Toh who put in so much effort for the concert! haha random. ok lah i shall retire now cos my bed wans me to apply pressure on it. Keep a lookout for more updates !!
let me
12:11 AM