haiz... i realli don noe why my life is like... first there is PW...which seriously sucks cos it takes up so much of my precious time... and i don see why it is necessary for our university admission... no link sia... next is my studies... i did like so 'well' for my mid years can... ESSSS... such fantastic results !! don praise me :) i will be shy one lol. and after dedicating so much time to pw, i don see how i can study well enuf for my promos... and also i have quite a bit of choir stuff to settle also... haiz... so i guess i have to just hope for the best... i wont ask for sth ridiculous...i just wan to be promoted to yr 2 and thats all i ask for... nth extreme at all... so i shall pray and hope tat all goes well... and yup:) i shall not waste time liaoz, time to study !! heehee bb all !! :)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Back from Wales!!!!
i am finally back from wales... haha... not that i wanna come back, but it feels gd to be home too!! the trip was fun to the max can:) but not totally pleasant :( we did not do veri well for our competition and for that i wan to say sorry to our seniors who always had placed high hopes on us.But i am sure VJ choir will leap to greater heights next yr when we go for more competitions:) And i realli wanna thank mr kwei for his guidance and teachings throughout the year in the preparations for this competition. And of cos my fellow choir members who have put in effort in practices and for the competition itself. THANK YOU VERY MUCH:) I REALLI APPRECIATE IT VERY MUCH :)
i will be even more thankful if we all can work together towards the competitions next yr and of cos the upcoming events this year. i believe we can all do this together as nothing is impossible. We must show wad vj choir is all about and is capable of. To my dearest year two seniors, i realli wanna say a big big thank you to u all for all that u all have done for vj choir and it will nvr be forgotten, and rest assured. VJ CHOIR ALWAYS WELCOME U ALL BACK AS WE ARE ONE BIG FAMILY:) as the saying goes, once a victorian, always a victorian. Likewise, once a vj choir member, always a vj choir member. thank you once again.
let me
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