ok this is totally not healthy but i have come to realise that everyone seems to be emo-ing a lot nowadays... don noe why... maybe due to stress?? and wadever reason there may be... but i think that sometihng is the cause of it and i am sure u all noe wad izzit... such things are realli irritating to the max and u noe wad? we cannot do anything to help ourselves... so wad do we do?wait and prepare to be screwed by wadever is affecting us and this is totally true can... it can realli screw up ur life... it makes you don feel like studying at all and not doing anything but think and think and think... everyday and everty minute and every second ticking away... and when u realise that u have wasted so much time thinking about something so useless, u ask urself' 'den why did i do it? ' and the answer is that u cannot help it :( and the time that u have wasted cannot be retrieved again... it is wasted and tats it... thats too bad... sometimes i USED TO wonder why people like to emo so much... and i could not find the answer to it.. now i have finally found it... the answer is once again' YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ! ' i used to tell ppl not to emo and all that and told them to just let it go and concentrate on the more important stuff. But now i noe how it feels like and it is definitely not easy to get something out of ur head just like that. THOSE WHO THINK U CAN DO IT, DEN WAIT TILL IT REALLI HIT U. and yup this is not an emo post... this is just an evaluation on wad i have noticed about people nowadays... conclusion is.... EMO-ING SUCKS... as simple as that haha:)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Song That Is So Realistic...
let me
12:17 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
finally i am updating my blog... hahahaha
ok firstly life for me is like whoa... seriously overwhelming... not that it is fabulous... it is that it is like HELL... veri hard to cope with stuff... whoo... but its ok, i guess i have no choice but to continue to strive on... or else next yr, my present classmates will see me and ask me' hey hello pocks ! how was ur hols?'... i will say' hello senior, i am in ur junior class now :) 09S30 !! '... u nvr noe man... yup so fellow sec fours... i might be in ur class next yr ! heehee, and i will own u all ! cos i have one more yr here... hahahaha:)
recently i was also bothered by a lot of things... some realli diao things and some is serious business such as my beloved PW !!(vomit) PW is like the best subject u can ever get man ! haha sec fours so sad u all cannot take it nxt yr...( SO GOOD !! haiz...) but seriously if u go jc, cannot waste time man... time is like so precious there... every moment matters...( altho i waste a lot of time but nvm haha)yup thats why i have learnt my lesson...
and if u all have been wondering why i so long nvr update.. cos i veri tired most of the time... reach home relatively late(today counted early liao:) now i got time cos i just eaten my dinner and i am like bloated... so i am kneeling down on the floor while blogging lol, so that my tummy don feel any pressure, i noe damn lame haha. and today i just had my chem lecture test... not bad sia ! i will fail for the third time i think haha.. if i pass den it will be a miracle :) and tmr i have econs test ! haiz sianned... two tests in two days... can die man... so yup i noe wad i am trying to say.. it means i have to go off now ! to study for my beloved subject econs haha ! no lah actually i hate it, but now liking it more.. cos can understand better heehee... see ya my frens ! and thank you if u are reading my blog haha :D Jiayou everybody !
let me
8:33 PM