wad do u think u are doing? u are crazy
stop it or u will regret it
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Out of My Mind
let me
10:12 PM
Friday, January 30, 2009
Its Getting Nearer...
Time to buck up people
its not as easy as u think
not everything comes just like that
u have to work for it
nil sine labore
remember that...
i don wan history to repeat again
cos it realli hurts
deeper than anything
keep the dream alive
let me
10:19 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
sometimes it is like that
people will accidentally rub it in
with knowing that it has an effect of salt on wound
but nevermind, i am so used to it
and it hurts again to know things u should not know
why so kaypoh, rarr
let me
10:41 PM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Like a Fool...
once again,i am like a fool
always things happen at the wrong times
making me so argh, i don noe
is heaven making fun of me or wad?
i don understand
having weird things happening to me all the time
it stopped for a moment
and it came back
just when i am starting settle down
so wad exactly am i supposed to do?
tell me cos i have no idea
let me
10:23 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
i sure wan to light up, but the darkness is overwhelming me. i have no control over it, although i badly need it. i wan to run but i can't as it has to come, and it is coming really soon, like really. the new year is feeling like the past, nothing has changed at all, nothing. all is the same and i don wan this cos it sucks. the same old thing all over again. bad news come one after another and the good things never seem to arrive at all. never. even if it will arrive, i doubt it will be anytime soon. izzit true that u reap wad u sow? i don think so, it is so not true, no matter how much hard work i put in, the result is the same, just failure and nothing else. failure just likes me so much that it has to stick to me every single minute and make me such a failure, failing to do things right and make things that were meant to be successful fail. i guess i am the failing magnet, the magnet that fails to attract success and that magnet that never fails to make me fail. U ARE SUCH A FAILURE POCKS, U HAVE TO ADMIT IT AND FACE IT .
let me
12:41 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Festive Season? Nah
The new year is coming
But i am so not happy
I wonder why
And i wanna noe why
Why make myself so unhappy?
When i can choose to be happy
Am i stupid or wad?
I have to make the choice
Fast or die
Its coming soon
I need to talk
To the one soon
Or else i cant make my choice
And i cant move on
Wad a chinese new year
Last yr not happy
This yr also not happy
Well done pocks
U have done well in screwing urself up
Totally and upside down
And now u regret it
But its too late
So sorri
Serves u right
let me
12:00 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
i escaped from failure and i hope that is not a moment of luck whereby the heavens don wan me to suffer twice consecutively in 2 days... still a long way to go.. to success(if there is even one in the first place)
let me
9:46 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Praying Hard
some things are not within our control
and we only can wait and wait
but till when?
soon i guess
and wad will be the result?
either makes me happy or sad
or i will even not feel anything
cos i am immune to it and wont feel anything
i am so used to it
never felt it before
till now
so lets just pray now
and hope for the best
let me
10:12 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My Guardian Angel
Feeling both excited and scared
Weird isn't it?
I don wan to feel this way
Am i realli using work to overcome it?
Drowning oneself in work helps?
Nah, i don think so
Not everything will work for everyone
That is why there are many different solutions to things
And i need to find one fast.
And so who will lead the way for me?
Who will make a difference in my life?
We shall see.
But please come real soon
Before something happens.
let me
7:19 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
All Da Best :)
ok sorri ppl if i have been asking u random qn on msn haha ! i was just beng super random lol... ya so pls forgive me ! haha... anyway this might be my last post for this month... i don noe... cos when school starts i might not have time to even blog ! haha... see first lah... see how everything goes and whether i have affinity with my blog ! lol... yup to all the 16 yr olds... all the best for ur O lvl results ! :D hope u all do well and come to the fine institution VJC ! lol... yup there is nth to worri about cos everything is already decided and there is nth u can do about it :) yup so just accept ur results with an open heart and mind ! i am sure u all can do it ! jiayou ppl... and see ya soon everyone ! i don noe when haha... legendlegacy signing off now !
let me
1:29 AM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Three more days...
Just 3 more days... and school will start !! i sound so happy right ? haha actually i am and i am not. i am excited to see all my friends again and to start choir again... so long nvr sing liao lol.. and yah happy about all the exciting events that are gonna happen this yr.. but i am so not glad that this is the A lvl year haha... all the work is gonna be so... haiz, don wanna mention... super a lot ! all the tests and exams... cant wait ! ( for them to end) ya so because of this i don noe wad to type liao... makes me so depressed lol... my fingers refusing to type any further... ciao ppl !all the best for first day of school on monday !( and to sec and pri sch ppl, sorri but did u all have fun at sch the past week? how was ur first day of sch on 2 jan? haha joking :)
let me
11:06 PM
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wad is This ?
Firstly i wan to say sorri to Rhoda haha... cos i cant do the tag thingy... don noe why my Blogger got problem publishing it... so stupid :( but nvm... maybe next time when Blogger likes me more :)
Anyway i took my Bio R paper today... erm was not veri hard... but i am still not veri sure as to whether i will pass or not haha :) cos as u all noe, nothing is impossible and everything is so unpredictable... u nvr noe wad will happen at any point of time.. yup... so... like that lor... i shall hope for the best and pray that i will not do badly for my maths too... :)
And yup, i am still trying veri hard( as my blog header says haha ) to do it... hopefully i can do it... and i believe i can do it... i just need more time ... much more time... to be able to do it... it is slowly disappearing, i hope... if not then good luck to me... HAHA ! rest assured that i will embrace myself and stand up on both my feet like a real man ! haha... somehow time might just be the remedy to this :) and haha for those who don understand wad i am talking about, its ok don worri :) as jinli has said, it is not for u all to know anyway ! hahahahaha... it is quite true mah haha... yup so Jiayou <<<...P0CKS...>>> !!
PS :tonight will be the night that i will ________ _____ you :) don make me change my mind
let me
11:28 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Few More Days To Go
yup now i am like always trying to study... but i simply cant... dunno why... not becos of distractions or anything... just that when i am trying to study, the things cant get into my head... i seriously tried... so now i can onli hope for the best bah... jiayou lol..
P.S :And yes it is you :P Maybe you are the reason :) and i wont regret it. Thanks
let me
10:46 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
My Favourite Song NOW :)
Fall For You- SecondHand Serenade
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
Ohh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find... <3
let me
4:35 PM
Friday, January 2, 2009
A Brand New Year.....
2008 has just ended... and now is 2009 !! whoo !! 2008 has been both fun and fulfilling... and yup one cannot be happy all the time... so... it has been not so wonderful too...=(
looking back at 2008... it brought back sweet memories and at the same time bad ones...to be frank, my life journey onli actually started last yr in nov... it all began when i joined VJ Choir... my life will be so incomplete without it... without it, i wont be in vj at all. without it, i wont be who i am today... without it i wont have known all my frens who i realli treasure a lot... without it,i would have given up on myself long ago... Choir has been a major part of my life since i was in sec sch.. but it did not matter as much till i came to VJ, my second home, the place where i truly belong... i realli wanna thank all my frens who have been walking this yr one path with me and nvr giving up on me... and to all the seniors, i hope u all have enjoyed this past yr as much as we yr ones have enjoyed it... please take care and hope everything will go realli well for u all :) JIAYOU !!
junior college is realli the place where u can find true frens and true love.. it is not just a place where u go to almost everyday to spend ur day attending tutorials and lectures.. it is a family. where love and joy is shared by everyone... when we laugh, we will laugh together and when we cry, we will cry together... this is wad a family is all about... and i am proud to be part of this family... thus i realli hope that 2009 will be a better year for me and for everyone. forget all the unhappy stuff and move on, never look back...if it hurts... lol oh ya i rmbed sth... i once thought of a line like this, self compose one ok... if looking back hurts u and looking forward scares u, den look beside u for i will be there for u :) and pls hor, it is not some love thing... it is to support ur frens and push them along !! i am retarded but ya... i also dunno how i came up with that...
ok now for my new year resolutions...
1) try to go for every single lecture(cos will have mc de mah lol)
2) try to go for every single tutorial(cos will have mc de mah lol)
3) try to do every single tutorial ! (try cos sometimes realli cmi)
4) be even more happy !
5) lead vj choir to greater heights so as not to let ppl down
6) to forget wadever and whoever needs to be forgotten
7) to lead a better life and not to waste any precious time !
8) to be fitter ! :)
yup that's all... have many many more.. but it is nvr ending one... haha... yup so hereby i wish everyone a happy new year ! life will be so much better in 2009 !! haha :) HOPE SO LOL
let me
12:15 AM