I was watching the 1812 Overture video from SOV 2007 and many other songs such as O Magnum Mysterium, Salve Regina, Cantus Gloriosus,Crucifixus a8 and other songs. I just suddenly wanted to watch them while i was studying away, on Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Genomes(Biology). I could feel the music, feel how bonded the choir is, to make the concert a successful one and to make their hard work for so many months pay off. How i hope i was in that choir at that point of time, seeing the whole audience standing up to clap for you, to appreciate wad u have done, and that is all that a performer ask for. The feeling is so... i don noe how to describe it, in simple terms, SHIOK. simply SHIOK. Same thing for competitions, it would be very great if the whole audience clapped frantically for you and cheered you one cos u noe u have done well and have not disappointed the audience,especially those who have placed high hopes on you. It is no mean feat to be part of a victory as it comes with hard work and the sacrifices that were made. Nothing in this world is free and everyone knows that. To be frank, i feel very privileged to be in this choir, to be part of this family. I never thought i would ever be singing in this choir since i was in VS... until the fateful day when i went to VJ Open House and Reuben asked me to audition for caroling with VJ Choir. I was like ' WHAT ???? ASKING ME TO SING SOP ONE AGAIN?!?' * cos i was sop one for 4 yrs* And after that, i received a precious message from LOW CHING CHIEH, asking me if i wanna join vj choir and sing with them for caroling sessions. That was how my journey started, and it is still going on, and it will never end till the day that i die. To me, ONCE A VJ CHOIR MEMBER, ALWAYS A VJ CHOIR MEMBER. SYF 2009...SOV 2009... ANTON BRUCKNER... HERE WE COME.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Family Or CCA?
let me
10:49 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Random Quiz
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Losing Someone You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either! | |
Being Alone | |
Disappointment | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Looked down on | |
Death | |
Commitment | |
What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
i don even know whether this is true or not... maybe it is true maybe not... lol.. anyway did this when i was enjoying my SPA...
let me
8:43 PM
Deciding Fate
yes the upcoming CTs will be my deciding fate, as to whether i can continue to sing in vj choir.i need to produce results or else, i will not be able to go austria and maybe even syf. u never noe wad will happen to you at any point of time. so yes i have to study real hard if not, there goes my dream.
let me
7:14 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
NUS Concert
I thought we did not sing very well ytd... Mate Saule was ok but Leonardo was not ok.. but oh wells, we will not be singing Leonardo again. But for Mate Saule will be sung for 2 more major events, SOV 2009 and Anton Bruckner Competition in Linz in June. As for NUS Choir, i thought they were GOOD... the voices blended well and they brought out wad music was all about. Thanks to NUS Choir for inviting us to sing in their concert :) it was a great experience and the president there wished us luck for our upcoming competitions, SYF and Linz. Lets do wad NUS Choir did on stage last night, to deliver when it is necessary and produce music that will touch the hearts of many.
let me
7:50 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
Its Coming Even Nearer Now
Its near and we have to face it
no matter what happens, we have to do it TOGETHER
no one can do it ALONE
cause we are a FAMILY
when there is LOVE
anything is possible
let me
9:25 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Straying Off...
things are not going right... at least not the way i wan it to happen... does it hurt to just let me take up a little of your time? i don think so right? it is such a simple task that u need to do and yet u cant do it... disappointed is all i feel now and nothing else, not angry not pissed but disappointed... now i realli believe in the fact that good things will not last... it has just started to get better and now everything has reverted to normal, back to square one all over again..
let me
11:49 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Realli quite happy
Ok recently things has started to be slightly better and i hope this will carry on all the way till i leave VJC. Practices so far has been ok i guess but it can certainly be much better just with more discipline and concentration. I know we can do it and we must do it no matter wad, becos if not, we are not vj choir anymore and we will be letting our seniors down and most importantly Mr Kwei down. Yup so lets work hard together for the next few months and produce real music in SSCC...VJC PT... VCH and last but not least AUSTRIA:) Gambateh everyone !!
And guess who i saw on Monday night?? Isabelle !! haha :) so long since i seen her, ok lah maybe not cos i just saw her during mass dance at suntec lol... thank you mom :) for everything u have done and said to me :) I WILL WORK HARD.
ok off to mugging pocks !! so rare right... ciao!
let me
8:14 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Post
hi i am very happy today:) cos i got to wake up at 2 pm today... yes i am like a pig but who cares haha... i don get to slp till so late usually:) yup mendy see? haha :)
let me
9:59 PM
Why so Dumb?
why am i so stupid? cannot believe i actually did it... and then now i am regretting it so much... this is so so retarded, even more retarded than my previous post... now i am asking myself the same question all over again, why did i have to do it? was it because i could not bear it anymore? or izzit just an act of foolishness? i wonder why... nvm... be bygones be bygones and i guess that is the end... the fate has ended.
let me
3:10 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Up and Down
hopes raised to such a high level
to find out that it is dashed again
the truth was not i thought it was
and so this is it
thinking too much
omg this is so retarded
let me
10:27 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Not now, really not now. U all cannot do this to me now... One by one... u all are doing this... do u all even know how i am feeling? i am sure u all don cause u are not me and u will never be me. Why does this have to happen now? i really don understand a single bit of it, am i destined to be a failure and never get to taste success? At least let me dream about it will you? But now u all are shattering my hopes, making me lose my way in life, making me helpless, making me a total loser and a total failure. I may be one yes, but i don wan to be deemed as a loser, cos no one wants to be a loser and be stamped with those letters on ur forehead everywhere u go. When u are a loser, it spreads faster than u can imagine and it realli hurts when someone tried to bring it back up to make u feel like a failure once again. i am desperately wanting to move on but u all are not allowing me to do so. U all just wan me to fail again, like how i did a few years back when it was so difficult for me to get through it. It was the greatest setback i ever faced in my life and lucky i had my friends to support me all the way, if not i would not have made it. And now, everything is happening again, history is repeating itself, it is a total re-enactment. What do u wan me to do? Will u onli stop when i am at my wits' end? When i cannot take it anymore and break down in front of u to beg u to stop all these nonsense? When i start to have stupid thoughts and no longer think that i am needed in this puny world of mine? Such an insignificant being i am, as much as i don wan to be. I wan to make a difference, but i cannot. Things are not going well at all, everything against my will, nothing is right... nothing at all. This sucks and if u don noe how it feels like, come try it, if u think it is so easy, come try it ! if u think everyone is as simple minded as u and take things at a time when it comes, come try it !! i dare u, and i am sure u will fail and break down even earlier than me. I can't wait to see u suffer when that really happens, if u wan failure and screw up ur own life, go ahead. Don implicate others. Damn it, i really need someone to talk to right now, cause i really cannot take it anymore. No way am i letting it happen again, even if it will require me to sacrifice my life and soul, i swear.
let me
11:53 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
wan to do it... but cannot do it... my heart says yes... but my limbs refuse to budge... so stupid right? and even i do it... it is so weird... cos there is no link... ok maybe there is a link but nevermind... anyway sure cant do it one... i don have the guts... so weak... U ARE SUCH A WEAKLING POCKS :( HATE YOU !
let me
7:03 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Yet Again...
yet again i am remembered of it... so dumb... it just keeps coming to me when i wanna forget it most.. why why why? please stop it... or i will realli go nuts... :(
P.S:it is not your fault... don worry...just in case u are reading this, so please don feel guilty... u know who u are :)
let me
12:37 AM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
i am so dead now... after finding out some stuff... all because of my stupid doings again... no wonder i am so screwed... rarr...
let me
10:42 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
i should not have done it... now i am starting to regret it... if it did not happen then, all these would not occur to me now... nevermind.. wad is done cannot be undone... stupid me :(
let me
11:19 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Truth
sometimes the truth hurts... but we have to face it... no matter wad we try we do... it is the truth and nothing but the truth... we cannot avoid it, neither can we escape it... there is no way out... the only thing we can do is to make our situation better by accepting it and move on in life... we should not let any obstacles obstruct our way in life as we control our life and it is not meant to be manipulated by others... and always believe in urself that you can do it as there is always hope in life... as mild as it can be, it does exist... if u give up on urself, then no one can help u since u urself are not willing to help urself... so please, embrace urself and i believe u can do it... there is nothing in this world that cannot be overcome. stay happy and always move on... all the best... u can do it :) and i believe in u...
let me
8:29 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
First Post Of The Month
this is the first post of the month and wow, the month started off so well man.february rocks, wow,yeah. wad a 1st Feb... fantastic... and tmr the yr ones are coming in, wonder who we will see. ALL THE BEST TO THOSE APPEALING TO WHICH EVER JC :)
let me
6:11 PM