This is my block leave week. But somehow i feel like i rather go back to camp cause it is so boring. Using the computer seems so boring too, like i have nothing much to do on the computer. So i am trying to play some games on facebook lol. And i am actually finding online games to play to spend my time away. But at the same time, i am anticipating wad unit i will get posted to, oh well, i just have to hope for the best:D hope the rest of the week will not be so boring! i will think of something:D
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
let me
1:47 AM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Being able to live is a blessed thing. We must always cherish our lives and enjoy every moment of it before you regret it. Every moment in your life counts and we should not forgo any second of it as you might just regret it the next moment. After these few days, i finally realised what it means by life and death is all predestined and how important it is to live. However we have to understand that death is just part and parcel of life and everyone has to face it in one part of their lives. We know that the deceased has moved on to a better place called heaven instead of staying on this earth just for the sake of staying alive. When the quality of life is gone, sometimes it is better to move on then to hang on. Today was the first time in my life i have seen my parents drop any tear and after seeing that i could not hold back and the same thing happened to me and my brother. I guess this is how it feels when a loved one has left us and you know that person will never come back to our side ever again. And this is also the time when for the first time, i have seen the whole family so united as one, only after something has happened. This should not be the case, in fact it should have been like that all along. i guess i have learnt to be more sensible these few days after seeing so many things happen. Hope everything gets better:D TREASURE EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE PEOPLE:D DON WASTE IT AWAY:D
let me
7:42 PM
Saturday, April 10, 2010
POP lo!
Thurs was my POP. And i did not regret going back to Tekong just to see my platoon mates and commanders once again and for some of them, for the last time. They have definitely made a very big impact on my life and that i will never ever forget. The times we shared and the punishments we went through, i guess we would not have made it through without each other. When the announcements were to ask my company to proceed to the ferry terminal after the parade, i cannot help it but look at that island again which i once dread going to. Likewise when leaving the bunk and the company line for the last time just before proceeding to the parade square. That bed which i have slept on for 4 months and those familiar grounds which i have seen almost everyday since 12 dec... now everything will just become part of my memory. But this is an important part of my memory which i will not want to forget:D Thank You Everyone For Making My BMT Life so Fulfilling:D I WILL NOT FORGET YOU ALL...
let me
2:21 PM
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Weird Day
Today is such a weird day. I woke up feeling uneasy. Something just does not feel right and yet i don't know what is that something. Something is lacking. Maybe because i am POP-ing soon? But i strongly doubt so. I hope this does not happen again, it surely does not feel good... i can't even describe the feeling... one word... WEIRD... HAHAHA... oh well. i am going off soon to play soccer.Then after that, rush back home to prepare for book in... haiz... hahaha... but it is the last book in to Pulau Tekong! HAHAHA:D ok gotta go! See ya people!:D
let me
1:49 PM
Friday, April 2, 2010
Bad Friday
Today is Good Friday but ironically it is a very Bad Friday for me... Guess what? I have to book in again tonight after booking out just last night at 2115... and the reason is? Because i have duty to do. This is already my second long weekend that was robbed from me, the last one was New Year... and now once again... another Public Holiday gone... but on a higher note, next week is my POP( Passing Out Parade!) where people might really pass out due to the hot weather lol... yeah and after that i have my long awaited block leave! Although it is only one week, i guess it is more than enough:D i wonder which unit i will get posted to, hope it is not something too bad.. if not all the best to me for the rest of my NS. I guess i shall see:D Anyway i shall go off now! Booking in soon... Ciao!
let me
4:48 PM